OSET Institute to Provide NBC News Election Technology Subject Matter Expertise and Monitoring Tools for 2018 Midterm Election
Neil Johnson

PALO ALTO, Calif. — The OSET Institute announces today that it has been selected by NBC News to provide a range of election technology monitoring and domain expertise services for the upcoming 2018 Midterm election.
In 2016, the Institute provided a team of four off-air analysts to NBC News for the Presidential election. This year, the Institute is providing NBC with a team of nine, led by three election technology on-air analysts including COO Gregory Miller and CTO John Sebes. Six off-air analysts will be on site at NBC News in New York City. The Institute’s on-air analysts will provide voting systems and process analysis and support to news and commentary for NBC News and MSNBC shows during the run up to, and on Election Day as desired by NBC News.
Additionally, OSET has developed specialized social media listening tools, issues analysis maps, and process diagrams to explain the American voting process, in support of NBC News nationwide coverage of the election and any potential issues that could potentially arise.
“The opportunity to provide this level of support to the world-class operation of NBC News is an honor and challenging opportunity we’re fully embracing,” said Gregory Miller, co-founder of the OSET Institute. “We’ve built over a decade of domain expertise on election administration technology and believe it will fortify the important coverage NBC News will provide.”
“The issues of election and voting systems integrity and security are now a key aspect of U.S. elections. There is considerable interest in understanding how things actually work, what the potential issues are, and how America is better prepared in 2018 to deal with threats,” said Janelle Rodriquez, Senior VP, Editorial for NBC News.
OSET CTO John Sebes observed, “We’ve made a considerable investment in preparing information and tools to ensure NBC News gets the best possible insight as accurately and fast as possible, and we’re excited to provide them with subject matter expertise to fortify their coverage and reporting because there continues to be a lot of misunderstanding of potential risks, threats, and how elections actually work.”
About the OSET Institute
The OSET Institute is a tax-exempt 501.c.3 non-profit election technology research, development and education organization based in the Silicon Valley. The Institute is led by a team of seasoned technologists with extensive hardware, software, and systems design experience from well-known companies including Apple, Netscape, Facebook, and Sun Microsystems. The Institute’s mission is to make election technology more verifiable, accurate, secure, and transparent. Work is based on open source principles to treat this critical government technology as an imperative publicly available asset.